Energy and Environment

Agricultural Spraying

Originally published in 1986

AGDISP, a computer code written for Langley by Continuum Dynamics, Inc., aids crop dusting airplanes in targeting pesticides. The code is commercially available and can be run on a personal computer by an inexperienced operator. Called SWA+H, it is used by the Forest Service, FAA, DuPont, etc. DuPont uses the code to test" equipment on the computer using a laser system to measure particle characteristics of various spray compounds."

Full article:

AGDISP, a computer code written for Langley by Continuum Dynamics, Inc., aids crop dusting airplanes in targeting pesticides. The code is commercially available and can be run on a personal computer by an inexperienced operator. Called SWA+H, it is used by the Forest Service, FAA, DuPont, etc. DuPont uses the code to test" equipment on the computer using a laser system to measure particle characteristics of various spray compounds."
Agricultural Spraying

Agricultural Spraying

Agricultural Spraying

Agricultural Spraying