Public Safety

Lightning Detector

Originally published in 1979

Lightning can be hazardous to airliners and general aviation aircraft. Kennedy Space Center's Lightning Detection and Ranging System (LDAR) consists of four receivers together with computer processing and display equipment. One receiver is located at a central station and the other three are sited at points several miles away. Each receiver picks up signals emitted by electrical discharges in parts of the sky where thunderstorms are building up. The system, derived from the Apollo measures arrival times at each station. From this information, computer can determine the points at which the signals originate. Zones of electrical activity are shown as blips" on display terminal which indicates their distance altitude and bearing from the control center. "

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Lightning can be hazardous to airliners and general aviation aircraft. Kennedy Space Center's Lightning Detection and Ranging System (LDAR) consists of four receivers together with computer processing and display equipment. One receiver is located at a central station and the other three are sited at points several miles away. Each receiver picks up signals emitted by electrical discharges in parts of the sky where thunderstorms are building up. The system, derived from the Apollo measures arrival times at each station. From this information, computer can determine the points at which the signals originate. Zones of electrical activity are shown as blips" on display terminal which indicates their distance altitude and bearing from the control center. "
Lightning Detector

Lightning Detector

Lightning Detector

Lightning Detector